Saturday, June 19, 2010

June 18: Thunder Bay

I actually didn`t get to Thunder Bay. I stayed at Phil`s but I can`t spell Kaministiquaw. Anyhow, that`s where my long time friend Phil resides, in a lofty home on 40 acres. Phil, just so you know, I still don`t think I can operate your refrigerator ice machine, or your shower for that matter. You may want to have instructions nearby for visitors. Always liked that about Phil: if you do something, then do it completely. When you buy something, make sure you don`t have to go back anytime soon to upgrade. This goes part way to explaining the pallet of dog food in his shop.

Phil, Candace and I had not seen each other for about 20 years although our relationship is similar in its development to both Brian and Denise. It just so happens they all live in a linear sequence on my journey. Phil use to live in the same apartment house (frat house essentially) as Candace and I did for a couple of years in the `70s while at Lakehead. I learned a lot from Phil, both things I wanted to improve myself at, and as any good student would observe, things I should avoid. Like the time he wanted to save a Chrysler slant 6 engine. So, we carried it down a 100 yr old house`s narrow set of stairs, around corners finally into a very dark basement. We covered it up with a tarp, looked at each other and said: `well, that`s never coming out of here.` As far as we know, it`s an artifact in that house as I write this.
Phil has always done everything he can to ensure your comfort when you visit and this time was no different. He cooked me a great supper, we had a few beverages, we talked about the past, we talked about Candace and we looked at recent photos. I know it gets repetitious to read this, but it isn`t repetitious to actually do it.
All these one night stands seem to compress the visits somewhat and I hope folks understand that I value each one of these equally.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Bob,
    Great to see you are meeting up with a lot of old friends. I guess we can call every one old now that we are there. I probably met a few of your friends on some of my trips to Thunder Bay in the day way back when but those days are little obscure to me for some reason or another. Anyway everyone looks a little different, something like us...old. Well we got back home last night, 9 States and 6,300 kilometers on the twin, boy she needed a good cleaning today, but you know what...we just had to take her out for another run up the coast today...just can't get enough. Next trip August, can't wait. Ride safe buddy. Later.
    Ger in Gibsons.
