It was about the Glide and me. I asked her to pull, she pulled. I asked her to slow, she slowed. I asked her to move over a wee bit, she moved. Everything I asked of her, she did. In fact, I think she wanted more. She gave me all I asked for, and at the end of it all she was still rarin' to go. I may not be as demanding as I once was but the fact is she came through with flying colours.
So, I couldn't find her limits. Am I just getting older and not pushing as hard or, is it her build? I think it's the jugs. Gotta be. Those two 48 inchers pack a lot of oomph when you really need it. Or, it could be the stroke. Never rode one with a 4-3/8" stroke before. Those rods will pull a stump clean out of the ground. It's probably a combination of the two but one can never forget timing. Timing is everything. I'm not even going to get into the (gasp-e) intake. The Glide rides, she rides like the best of them.
Still ... maybe I was a little too easy on her... . I may have to ride her a little harder next time and I'm guessing tomorrow morning is just about mounting up and heading out for the ride.
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