Friday, July 16, 2010

Gasp - Eh!

Of course, Candace is with me in spirit always during this voyage. And she appreciated some mornings were just about mounting up and heading out for the ride. Today was "ridin' the Glide" day. About 1.5 hrs after I headed out, I was entering the Gaspe Peninsula and into some of what I've been waiting for. For any riders that may be following this, picture a little Shuswap, a little East Kootenays, a little north Superior, and then throw in an ocean and countless fishing villages with all those colorful homes. An Atlantic scent sets it all off.

It was about the Glide and me. I asked her to pull, she pulled. I asked her to slow, she slowed. I asked her to move over a wee bit, she moved. Everything I asked of her, she did. In fact, I think she wanted more. She gave me all I asked for, and at the end of it all she was still rarin' to go. I may not be as demanding as I once was but the fact is she came through with flying colours.

So, I couldn't find her limits. Am I just getting older and not pushing as hard or, is it her build? I think it's the jugs. Gotta be. Those two 48 inchers pack a lot of oomph when you really need it. Or, it could be the stroke. Never rode one with a 4-3/8" stroke before. Those rods will pull a stump clean out of the ground. It's probably a combination of the two but one can never forget timing. Timing is everything. I'm not even going to get into the (gasp-e) intake. The Glide rides, she rides like the best of them.

Still ... maybe I was a little too easy on her... . I may have to ride her a little harder next time and I'm guessing tomorrow morning is just about mounting up and heading out for the ride.

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