Sunday, July 4, 2010

Point Pelee

Left Chatham Friday and decided to travel along the Lake Erie shore on Hwy 3 as this would be a short riding day, the sun was high and not a cloud in site. Stopped in Point Pelee, Canada's most southerly point. Had to get a photo o course and nearly killed myself doing it. Let's just say that anyone witnessing my "tumble and roll" exercise should have had a good chuckle. See, I set up the camera a distance away from the sign due to its width and once the camera timer started, I had to boogie to get into position. Even I was laughing after that show of athletic poise. I could have still used the shot in the blog, but all you could see of me was my heel (appropriately enough). Opted for the duller but more classic snap shot you see here.

Arrived in Windsor greeted by Deb & Vito as well as Keith and Mama Wanda. The weather is expected to hold and I'll be with family for the weekend. Looking forward to it.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you're having a great time Bob!
    As they say (or rather as you say): Be Safe!!
