It's raining this morning in Yarmouth, NS so I thought I should delay my departure for as long as possible as it should clear up later on. What to do? Hey, I know: report card time.
The Glide and I've been on the road now for 48 days, over 9,510 kms, and through 8 provinces. So what does it all look like:
Strangely, I've not had one, that's right, not one steak since my last report card. But, as any of you following the blog have read, food continues to be outstanding with a wide distribution of my hosts' specialties: perch, ribs, chicken, mussels, lobster, cod, scallops, pork tenderloin, ... all with their own blend of flavours and spices. I was even tempted a few times to ask them to let me lick a skillet or two.
* Facilities: EXCELLENT
Again, my hosts have made my stays very comfortable.
* Roads: FAIR
Construction hold-ups have not been overly bothersome but I did issue one post regarding the road conditions in Cape Breton. Not to single out Cape Breton, the Gaspe peninsula had its share of rough roads as does lower Nova Scotia. These places need not be concerned on speed limits as the road conditions take care of that. More signage warning of the upcoming war zones would be good. The odd sign indicating a hwy # in Nova Scotia would be helpful as well.
What can I say about my Glide. The reliability factor has been 100% this month. The mild power upgrades have proven their worth countless times when a quick pass was needed. I decided to "push" her a little leaving the Gaspe and entering NB, just needed to let her know who's boss.
* Cost: GOOD
Staying on budget; a true testament to my (over)budgeting capabilities
* Weather: EXCELLENT
I've been gone 48 days and have actually been delayed only 1 day as a result of rain, rerouted my plans once due to rain, and have been caught in rain while riding 3 days. Fog has been a bit of an issue on the NS coast but nothing unmanageable. Another noteworthy point is while in southern Ontario for at least 2.5 wks, not once did we get one of "those" storms.
This continues to be the home run of this trip.
* Converting Non-Believers: POOR
Little success here. In fact I've never seen so many foreign HD clones. Can't understand why you would buy a look-alike when the real deal is sooo much better.
* Team Recruitment: BELOW AVERAGE
Not doing so well in this area. I will follow the advice posted on a reply and focus my attention on curves, road curves that is.
Report Card #2 has me passing along with flying colours. I've turned the corner in south-east Nova Scotia so as I've replied in a post, I'm officially beginning the return leg of this trip. Only another 7000 or 8000 kms to go. I'll be in NS for another day or two and then I'll be heading to Fredericton to meet up with Deb, George, and Sam.